Does Soap Cause Hair Fall?
Soap is not the only culprit for hair fall. There are many other factors that could also cause hair loss. It could be because of genetics, stress, hormonal changes, age, or any other reason. In order to find out the root cause of hair fall and keep your scalp healthy, it is important to consult a doctor and do a thorough diagnosis.
In this post, we will talk about some effective home remedies that can help you maintain a healthy scalp and minimize shedding without having to visit a doctor.
What is the Normal Rate of Hair Loss in Adults?
Hair loss is a most common problem that affects many people and youngers
Hair loss is defined as the shedding of hair from your scalp, eyebrows, or other parts of the body. It happens for a number of reasons including genetics, aging, certain medications, and poor nutrition.
The normal rate of hair loss in adults varies depending on age and gender. On average, men have higher rates of hair loss than women do.
The rate can also vary by ethnicity. For example, African Americans tend to have lower rates than Caucasians do because their follicles are more resilient against damage due to stress or hormone levels.
What Causes Hair Loss And How Fast Does It Happen?
Hair loss can be caused by a number of things such as genetics, illness, and the environment. It is often called Alopecia and can happen to anyone at any time. About one-third of people will experience hair loss by age 40 and half of all men will see some degree of hair loss by age 60. Hair Loss is most common among Caucasian people and can start as early as the 20s.
Hair is lost in cycles where it grows for a period of time and then sheds. The average person loses about 100 hairs per day but this number can be much higher if you have an active lifestyle or if you are experiencing stress or hormonal changes such as those that come with pregnancy, puberty, menstruation, or menopause.
Soap is Damaging to Your Pores & Clogging Your Hair Follicles
Soap is made with ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and other harsh detergents. These chemicals are not only drying to the skin but also stripping away natural lipids that keep skin supple.
Harsh soaps can lead to clogged hair follicles which can contribute to hair loss. They also strip the hair of natural oils, which lubricates, protects, and strengthen it.
The best way to clean your face is by using products that are free of these harmful chemicals. They may be more expensive, but they will effectively remove dirt while not harming your skin or hair.
You're Using Too Much Soap or Too Frequently
Many people use too much soap, or they use it too frequently. This can lead to excessive dryness of the skin. This is because soap removes natural oils that are meant to protect your skin.
Soap helps remove dirt and some bacteria from the surface of your skin. It does not get rid of all of them though, so it's important to wash off the rest with water before you towel dry or air dry.
If you find yourself running out of soap more than usual, it may be time to do some spring cleaning in your bathroom! You might be surprised by how many old bottles of soap you'll find hiding in the back corner behind the shower curtain.
Does Soap Actually Cause Hair Fall? Here are 5 Reasons
Many people believe that soap causes hair fall. The truth is, there is not enough evidence to prove this and the "evidence" that they found was not very credible.
Here are 5 reasons why we think soap does not cause hair fall:
1) It's too harsh to be shampoo and conditioner
2) It doesn't contain any oils or vitamins that would help promote hair growth
3) It does not have any form of protein or vitamin A which is essential for the growth of new cells in our body
4) Shampooing doesn’t always happen on a daily basis so it can’t be causing hair loss
5) Shampooing and conditioning should increase your hair health, would make it grow faster and prevent it from falling out
Should we use cleaner on hair daily?. No, it's largely unadvisable to wash your hair with cleaner every day. This is because soaps are extremely drying and can thus leave your hair super brittle and prone to breakage.
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