Why Drinking Cold Water Is Good For You: The Surprising Benefits of Drinking Cold Water
Drinking cold water has been found to increase metabolism, regulate the body’s temperature and sweat rate, and energize the body. No substantiation drinking cold water is bad for health.
Taking a cold shower in the morning may have several health benefits. These benefits include:
- Increased metabolism
- Increased blood flow
- Improves muscle tone and flexibility
- Lessens muscle soreness and fatigue
- Reduces blood pressure
- Decreased inflammation
- Decreased tension
- Faster heart rate
- Decreased anxiety
- Increased sweating
Some of these benefits can be attributed to the fact that drinking cold water activates the body’s thermoregulatory system, according to researcher Christopher P. Cleave from the University of Virginia.
How Drinking Cold Water Improves Your Mood
According to a study by the University of California, Irvine, and the UC Davis Center for Long-Term Nutrition, drinking cold water can improve your mood.
In the study, enlistees were divided into two groups. The first drank hot water and the second drank cold water.
After 12 hours, the researchers had the volunteers play a computer game that required them to solve a series of puzzles.
According to the study, people who drank cold water showed improvements in mental agility than those who drank hot water.
This improvement was seen in several different tests of decision-making and strategic thinking.
At the end of the study, researchers found that people who drank cold water also showed greater improvements in mood.
Drinking cold water can improve your mental agility.
Why Drinking Cold Water is Good for Digestion
Research shows that drinking cold water can help with digestion and digestion can lead to weight loss.
Why Drinking Cold Water is Good for Weight Loss
The colder your body temperature, the more you can burn fat.
Why Drinking Cold Water is Good for the Environment
Most commercial water is heated and treated to kill microorganisms and the environmental impact of this is staggering.
What’s better than cold water?
That’s why many health food stores sell water bottles in the refrigerator section, the coldest bottles they sell are kept in a fridge.
I prefer drinking water from the tap, it’s just more flavourful and it doesn’t cost much.
That's only one part of the story. You also need to make sure you get enough fluid.
In addition to drinking water, other healthy strategies include increasing your fiber intake (to improve digestion), drinking lots of fruit juices, using tea, and taking daily exercise, like these, all can increase water intake.
You can also drink lots of water before you exercise because you need that much more water during exercise.
It can help you lower your risk of cancer and heart disease
According to a study in the journal Health & Place, older adults who drank more water had a much lower chance of dying from heart disease or stroke than those who didn’t. Getting proper amounts of water in your diet is important for your health because you need plenty of water to keep your body functioning optimally. People who avoid drinking cold water are also more likely to be obese and smokers
Gastrointestinal symptoms occur when the intestinal lining becomes desensitized to pain signals.These symptoms can include stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea, which is a common symptom of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
A study found that 64 percent of IBS patients drank cold water.
It is best to start drinking cold water when you are very thirsty because you will sweat it out and will find you are no longer thirsty.
Coldwater can be consumed like water, flavored water, or a combo of both.
Constipation is a chronic bowel disorder.Studies show that drinking cold water can help prevent constipation and might have a cooling effect on the brain
Other benefits of drinking cold water
Cold water in moderation is generally believed to be very beneficial for health, as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.
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