What Effect Does Hot Water Have on Testicles?
There is no single male factor that is known to cause male infertility, rather it has many factors contributing to the situation. One such factor is exposure to extreme heat, more specifically, exposure to hot water. It is in this exposure that the sperm count is affected and lowers down leading to male infertility.
Using Saunas frequently or hot water repeatedly, expose their testicles to heat and it reduces their sperm count significantly. Sperm cells produced to optimally survive in temperature of just below 20-degree Celsius, which is well below normal body temperature. Exposing them to excess heat diminishes their ability to live in this environment and as a result, their survival becomes compromised. Heat exposed testicles also damage their hormonal system causing a hormonal imbalance which greatly reduces the chances of producing quality sperm. This may even lead to impotence, another condition known to prevent sperms to be conceived.
The length of time that heat exposure lasts may not be significant enough to have a marked effect on fertility. However, the intensity of the heat can be critical. warm temperatures for up to 15 minutes per session may be able to cause irritation to the genital organs. The irritation may cause discomfort during sexual act and may inhibit the body from the normal production of sweat, thereby making the area more prone to the formation of sweat soaked testicular cells. This may result in the retention of urine and may lead to greater quantities of sperm being retained.
Aside from affecting sperm count, the damage caused to the reproductive organs due to intense heat can also have an effect on the production of hormones essential for pregnancy. These hormones are essential for fertilization, so they may be affected when heat is applied for too long. It has already been established that high temperatures affect the body's temperature regulation so any effects resulting from being exposed to extremely hot temperatures are likely to be temporary.
When considering the effect of hot water on testicles, it is important to consider its direct effect on the body. The body heats up as the temperature rises and cools down as the temperature drops. This means that the temperature at which the human body experiences its highest temperature is immediately after exerting the maximum amount of energy. It is during this stage when heat can actually reach critical levels. The consequences of continuing to exercise in this state for a prolonged period may lead to permanent damage and infertility.
This is why it is suggested that the effect of hot water on testicles should only occur when a person is working out vigorously or overextending himself/herself. Otherwise, the extreme heat would damage the delicate structures of the testicles. If the individual were to stop exercising, the damage would then subside and the effect of hot water on testicles would cease. This would obviously be a welcome reprieve since any exercise that was still required would no longer be as damaging.
It is also important to note that the effect of hot water on testicles is not limited to men. Women too experience the effects of extreme heat when engaging in various forms of exercise. The same applies to pregnant women undergoing delivery. The extreme temperature rise that happens in their bodies may also cause the reproductive organs to contract involuntarily.
To avoid the effects of hot water on testicles, one should drink it using a glass that is either moderately cold or very cold.
Opt for drinking it in moderately cold water. If you really must boil something, you should limit its boiling time to around 10 seconds. Do not use a mug with ice cubes as they usually contain sugar which is not good for health since sugar is a diuretic that increases the production of urine.
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